What is a Sound Journey?

A meditative space for self-exploration and connection with our self through sound and vibration

A Sound Journey is a group meditative space for self-exploration and connection with ourselves through the sound and vibration of the medicine instruments used in the session, including the human voice.

This collective experience can lead us to a state of deep relaxation in which we can balance our mind and emotions, as well as regenerate our nervous system and reconnect with our heart.

From the stillness and spaciousness that the frequency facilitates, coupled with intention, we can connect with answers to situations that may not seem available to us in our daily lives due to the rush and pressures imposed by ourselves and the society in which we live.

Would you like to experience an on-site Sound Journey?

You can attend our Sound Journeys at:

  • Our own facilities (Godella – Valencia)
  • At retreats or encounters organised by our collaborators

If you would like to attend one of our Sound Journeys and/or take us to your own events or retreats, you can contact us.

Would you like to experience an online sound journey?

You can check out the following recording of a live sound journey!

Before you set out on this sound journey, here are some recommendations:

  • Choose a peaceful and quiet room or space
  • Prepare the space and make it beautiful for you
  • Lie down on a yoga mat or comfy carpet and make yourself comfortable
  • Use headphones, if you can
  • Close your eyes
  • Open your ears and heart
  • Enjoy this precious and delicious moment with yourself!

Sound Healer

Ruth León

Certified Sound Healer Certified Voice Healer Intuitive Chantress

My life’s journey is intricately woven with the harmony of sound, where melodies have become one of the most potent languages I possess to express Joy and Love for Life.

From creating playful tunes for my furry companion Tsura as a child to joining choirs, experimenting with the guitar, and engaging into a brief stint of musical education, my path led to singing lessons and overtone experimentation that sparked a deep connection with sound.

In an unplanned twist, singing took a long temporary pause as I prioritised my scholar career, engaging in the analytical facets of my mind. Additionally, after completing my PhD, I found myself drawn to and dove into the world of dance.

Amid life’s challenges and the pandemic, the presence of two feline companions helped me rediscover my inspiration, enabling me to express myself through melodies once again. This reconnection drove me to the Healing Voice Diploma Training and the Sound Healer Training, both feeling like a reawakening of something already within me, propelling me to embrace sound as a tool for meditation.

Accompanying others in their process of self-discovery, self-awareness, and embodiment now shapes my purpose, as it’s a path I’ve walked myself and I’m still journeying on. Sound holds within a magnificent power to nurture meditative states and cultivate profound connections with our inner essence.

What People are Saying about Our Sound Journeys…

Like a Garden after Receiving the Rain!

Water and serenity. I feel like a garden after receiving the rain.

I felt that I was cleansed inside, I noticed that my head became serene reducing the number of automatic thoughts.
Laura Gil

Magical & Healing

Your welcome and introduction was very loving, I felt at home, with an immense confidence that I was where I needed to be. The sound session was magical, I felt the sounds and the cadence of your wonderful voice go through my matter, when thoughts came I could easily put them aside because I could focus on each sound you were making and I could let go of everything that the mind brings and distracts from the present moment. I was overcome with pure emotion as I listened to you sing, it gave me goosebumps and tears in my eyes. It was a perfect combination and incredibly healing. It allowed me to get back to my centre, so thank you, thank you, thank you. Of course I will participate again. You have been a great discovery, and you have an incredible light, which you transmit and give away. THANK YOU.
María Hernández

Like receiving a physical massage

It was relaxing and enriching. I was quite surprised at how the vibrations affect the body and mind. In my case, this first time, it was mainly a physical experience. In fact, I left with the sensation of having received a massage. I even felt different thermal changes in my body throughout the sound journey and I felt it related to the sound. I’d love to participate again and experience more!
Pilar Martín

Beauty & Harmony in the Present Moment

A facilitating journey of beauty and harmony in the present moment, inviting you to bring to mind fond memories of the past, and inspiring you to create fond moments in the future.
Elisa Jurado

Deep Relaxation & Peace

Special. The sound surrounded my body. The motherly voice took me to a childhood in the countryside on a sunny day and billowing sheets. Happiness. Moments of cold and warmth during the session. At the end a deep relaxation and a lot of peace. Good night’s sleep. Thank you.
Carmen Coret

Deep Rest & Restorative Sleep

Deep rest. At night I slept like I hadn’t slept for a looooong time.
María José Molins

Serenity & Calmness

It was a moment of serenity and calmness in which I entered thanks to the sounds of the different instruments and the singing. This sound ensemble helps me to feel my body, its tensions, resistances. Also, throughout the sound journey my mind comes and goes. But thanks to Ruth’s words at the beginning, I know that everything is OK, my resistances, my attention dispersed…. because I can always reconnect with what is happening and that is when, once again, the sound and the singing become present, surround me and help me to bring my attention to the present, to the here and now.
Ana Alberola

Soothing & Stimulating

Very soothing while stimulating your sense of hearing. It’s a real journey through sounds.
Begoña Barrado